Новоиерусалимское подворье

Официальный сайт Воскресенского Новоиерусалимского Архиерейского подворья г. Казани

Pushkin's ancestral home.

Mikhailovskoye is a cozy village, which was donated to the great-grandfather of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin by the Empress in 1742.

The Russian poet never came to his mother’s estate. The first time he arrived in 1817, after graduation. Pushkin was delighted with the incredible beauty of the vastness and nature of the amazing land. His next visit took place in 1819.

Then he stayed here by reference for another two years, having arrived in 1824.

The poet was not enthusiastic about being "walled up" in the village, but the local beauties brightened up the circumstances of the exile. During his stay here, the author has created a large number of works.

For a long time no one lived on the estate. The rural outback did not attract anyone. Soon the estate was bought from the family. In 1866, the youngest son of Alexander's brother, Grigory, became the owner of the land. At this point, the house became dilapidated and required major repairs. It was decided to demolish the building, and build a new one.

In 1899, the state bought the estate, and in 1911 a museum was opened in Mikhailovsky dedicated to the memory of the great writer. In 1918, the irreparable happened. Vandals destroyed the reserve, the village was completely burned. In 1922, active repair work began. According to the drawings and old information of the building, the church was rebuilt.

In 1780, a commemorative alley appeared here. Her grandfather Pushkin - OS Hannibal. At the end of the path, you will be taken to the chapel of Michael the Archangel. On the left stretches the landing of lime kern. Further, the path is paved to the "Island of Solitude."

It is impossible not to fall in love with the traditional landscape of Russia. The magnificence, harmony of nature calms.

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All publications are in English14.06.2020, 751 просмотр.

Приём записок и пожертвований в Новоиерусалимскрое архиерейское подворье г. Казани.

Дорогие братья и сестры, наши прихожане и друзья подворья! Для того, чтобы подать заказную или простую записку о здравии или об упокоении, подать сорокоуст, заказать сугубое прошение на Литургии, заказать панихиду или литию по усопшим, оформить в нашем подворье годовое или вечное поминовение, — можно воспользоваться сайтом на портале нашего подворья, который мы используем уже больше 5 лет. Ваше поминовение будет осуществлено на Литургии в ближайший богослужебный день.

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