Новоиерусалимское подворье

Официальный сайт Воскресенского Новоиерусалимского Архиерейского подворья г. Казани

Day of Saints Methodius and Cyril

Every year on May 24 in all Slavic countries celebrate the Day of Slavic writing and culture and solemnly glorify the creators of the Slavic writing, Saints Cyril and Methodius - Slovenian teachers. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius came from a noble and pious family and lived in the Greek city of Soluni.

The brothers were Orthodox monks and created the Slavic alphabet in a Greek monastery.

Scientists believe that Slavic writing was created in the 9th century, around 863. The new alphabet was called "Cyrillic" by the name of one of the brothers, Constantine, who, having accepted monasticism, became Cyril. And his elder brother Methodius helped him in the charitable cause of the formation of Slavic peoples.

Cyril, who from an early age showed great abilities and perfectly understood all the sciences of his time, and also studied many languages, created the Slavic alphabet on the basis of Greek. He substantially changed the Greek alphabet to more accurately convey the Slavic sound system.

Two alphabets were created - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. In addition, the Greek brothers translated the Gospel, Apostle and Psalter into Slavic.

The day of memory of these saints as the Day of Slavic writing and culture began to be celebrated in Bulgaria in the 19th century, and then this tradition passed to other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova.


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Приём записок и пожертвований в Новоиерусалимскрое архиерейское подворье г. Казани.

Дорогие братья и сестры, наши прихожане и друзья подворья! Для того, чтобы подать заказную или простую записку о здравии или об упокоении, подать сорокоуст, заказать сугубое прошение на Литургии, заказать панихиду или литию по усопшим, оформить в нашем подворье годовое или вечное поминовение, — можно воспользоваться сайтом на портале нашего подворья, который мы используем уже больше 5 лет. Ваше поминовение будет осуществлено на Литургии в ближайший богослужебный день.

Закреплённая запись 05.09.2021

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