Новоиерусалимское подворье

Официальный сайт Воскресенского Новоиерусалимского Архиерейского подворья г. Казани

Voluntary Saturday work

May is the month of the beginning of a series of voluntary Saturday works, which lasted until the first cold autumn days. This year, quarantine prevented parishioners from gathering together to continue landscaping the New Jerusalem residence. We hope that the epidemic will end soon and that we will again be able to gather the whole church family for these works.

The prior of the New Jerusalem residence hieromonk Roman (Modin) says, that in the summer it is convenient to engage in the improvement of church and church territories of one of the most interesting places in Kazan. He invites parishioners, friends of the residence and all concerned citizens to a Saturday work. He hopes that thanks to this joint event, we will make new friends.

Usually on a Saturday work you need to clean the flower beds from spruce branches and leaf fall, carry out work to clean the area of ​​building materials. In order for the flowers to please the eye, you also need to organize the flower beds, mow the grass and plant the flowers. This is a very simple manual work, which is carried out in a friendly atmosphere of the parish.

The Saturday work begins at 11:30, after the Divine Liturgy and the meal. You must have just work clothes with you.

And of course, we express our gratitude to our good friends, parishioners for their responsiveness and joy in the common cause and hope for further assistance of all who wish to continue to participate in the Saturday work.

We invite you to subscribe to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Orthodoxy-New-Jerusalem-residence-in-Kazan-112936033743280/

All publications are in English18.05.2020, 719 просмотров.

Приём записок и пожертвований в Новоиерусалимскрое архиерейское подворье г. Казани.

Дорогие братья и сестры, наши прихожане и друзья подворья! Для того, чтобы подать заказную или простую записку о здравии или об упокоении, подать сорокоуст, заказать сугубое прошение на Литургии, заказать панихиду или литию по усопшим, оформить в нашем подворье годовое или вечное поминовение, — можно воспользоваться сайтом на портале нашего подворья, который мы используем уже больше 5 лет. Ваше поминовение будет осуществлено на Литургии в ближайший богослужебный день.

Закреплённая запись 05.09.2021

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